Dear Younger Me

Dear 17 year old Line,

There are so many things I want to tell you, so many things I want to advise you not to do to save yourself a lot of pain, but alas, I cannot. The one thing I can tell you, that I’m sure of, is that it will get better.

University is nothing like school, you’ll discover. Being the star pupil of your school won’t help you in an environment where everyone is as good as you or even better. You’ll involuntarily allow the doubt to seep into every one of your thoughts, which will make you question everything you do. You’ll become unmotivated to do better… Interventions will ensue and you’ll try not to roll your eyes at people’s genuine care and help.

What do you know about realizing that you’re not good at the only thing you thought you were good at?” That is what you’ll want to say. But let me assure you, at some point, you will be driven by your perfectionism and your desire to make your parents proud.

The first two years are the hardest, but the last year of your bachelor degree is arguably the best. From then, things only go uphill. You’re going to gain the respect of your peers as well as your professors. You’re going to be on the honor’s roll, and many opportunities will be offered to you.

Things might seem bleak, but just remember, it’s always darkest before the dawn. Don’t be afraid to be opinionated and loud, to make your presence and your brilliance known. Do it proudly, do it wholeheartedly, do it shamelessly.

You have to fight every day for what you want. That’s life. You have to prove yourself, day in and day out. It will get exhausting, and any setbacks you face are completely expected. The fight is bitter, but the fruit is sweet. Remember that…

Yours truly,

22 year old Line.

23 réflexions au sujet de « Dear Younger Me »

  1. I actually relate to this!
    And i am proud of you for overcoming it and becoming the strong woman i know!
    Always remember that a seed, when it seems to be in its weakest phase, yes, it does break, but only to generate a plant, a tree! It breaks so it gives what it was made to give. Believe in yourself and keep up the good work. Always happy to read your obviously well chosen terminology and amazingly put into words ideas!

  2. I really enjoyed reading through this, it’s honestly well written and so true, and it shows how much you have grown and progressed through time. You’ve made us all proud! Wishing you all the best for the future!

  3. It’s really a shame that we live a world where you have to wrestle meaning and purpose out of things. I’m happy to see you’re doing better as the days pass.

    Are you sure your anxiety was caused by you not being the smartest person in class anymore, and not by a system that only values work that either lives to an archaic standard or that can be commodified and sold? Not to discredit your growth journey, but sometimes it’s a negative outside that’s impacting us and forcing us to adapt to it.

    Take care.

  4. So well written! I can’t help but be proud of both younger and older line for making it so far, both as a person and a writer

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