5 Things I Learned from Being the ‘New Kid’ at ETIB

There’s nothing worse than being an outsider. Always feeling like you will never fit in; no matter how hard you try to. If you’re an introvert like me, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. And you know for a fact that an introvert’s biggest nightmare is being the “new kid” in class.

But you know what’s worse than just being a new kid?

It’s being a new kid that transfers from an American university system to its complete opposite: USJ. After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in translation at my old university, I decided to undertake a Master’s program at ETIB. At the time, I didn’t think it would be much of a challenge, but boy was I wrong!

Since I’ve been a new kid at ETIB for almost two years, I think it’s safe to say that I’ve learned quite a few things. So from a fellow introvert to another, I believe it is my duty to pass on the “5 things I learned from being the ‘new kid’ at ETIB”, and hopefully help you adjust to the new world you’re about to enter.


  1. Your first day will be the worst and best day of your life.

How you may ask? Well, for one thing you’re going to make a fool out of yourself at some point during the day. Whether it’s trying to figure out how to use USJ’s confusing elevators, pushing a door when it clearly says “Pull”, or maybe entering the wrong class and having to do “the walk of shame” as you awkwardly leave the room. But one thing is certain, you’ll laugh about it one day with your new friends, and that’s what will make it the best day ever.

  1. The people you’re most intimidated by will end up being your closest friends.

Trust me when I say this: Never judge anyone based on first impressions. Especially when you’re the “new kid”, because your anxiousness will make everyone seem judgmental and stuck-up.

  1. There are a lot more people like you around, you just have to look closer.

I’m not going to lie, making new friends will be draining. But at some point you’ll have to break out of your shell and actually talk to your classmates. You’ll be surprised to find out how many other introverts are in your class!

  1. Stress will become your new best friend. 

I won’t sugar coat it: Studying at ETIB is no cakewalk. As someone who graduated from an American university and pursued a Masters degree at its complete opposite, I was shocked to discover a whole new level of stress. With USJ’s insane amount of workload, it’s easy to wallow in your own sorrows. However, instead of trying to overcome stress, embrace it. Use your sense of urgency as motivation to work faster and harder and you’ll be surprised to see how much you can accomplish.

  1. At least one of your teachers will become your mentor.

Your teachers have a lot more to offer than just teach you how to translate. After all, they’ve been through everything you’re going through. From being a new kid, to studying translation, to adulting and planning for the future. So don’t be afraid to reach out.


Everyone’s experience at ETIB is different, and yours might not be exactly like mine, but it’s always comforting to know that someone has been through the same nightmare as you. If you need me, you know where to find me. I’ll always be that awkward student who can learn almost anything except how to make small talk.

6 réflexions au sujet de « 5 Things I Learned from Being the ‘New Kid’ at ETIB »

  1. Two years ago, you were an ETIB new kid! In a couple of days, you will become an ETIB alumnus whom we are extremely proud of!

    1. It was an honor and privilege to be your student!
      I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for your never-ending care, guidance and support

  2. I can understand and feel every single word you wrote here Layal.
    Being an ETIB « new kid » is not that much far than being an ETIB « new Mrs. »
    It’s incredibly amazing.

    1. Thank you Suzanne! I’m glad I had the chance to experience ETIB with you.
      Sure, being a « new kid » and the only mom in class must’ve been tough. But if it helps, you’re the coolest mom the class has ever met!

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